Apni Amalia. 2020. Snowball throwing (ST) method to students' mathematical connection ability. Mathematics Education Study Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Wiralodra University Indramayu. Advisor: I. Dr. Hj. Sri Hartini, M.Pd; II. Farid Gunadi, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Keywords: Mathematical connection ability, Snowball Throwing (ST)
The purpose of this study are: (1) To find out the comparation students using Snowball Throwing (ST) mathematical connection ability; (2) This is to determine students' mathematical connection abilities in conventional learning methods; (3) To find out the Snowball Throwing method affects students' mathematical connection abilities.The population for this research in the students of third grade of SMP Nahdlatul Ulama Losarang of academic year 2020/2021. Class samples were taken as many as two classes using simpel random sampling technique by drawing. Based on the results of data analysis, conclusions are obtained: (1) There is difference in learning mathematical at students of junior high school usingSnowball Throwing (ST) learning method it is mean that there is an influence on the mathematical connection ability of students who use the Snowball Throwing (ST) learning method and those who do not use the Snowball Throwing (ST) method or who use the method.From the results of the research that has been done, teacher can use the Snowball Throwing (ST) method as an alternative in mathematics learning to make students mathematical connection ability better.